Betekenis van:
price increase
price increase
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- I know that he'll call with another price increase.
- We haven't had a price increase in the last five years.
- You can't cop out on explaining a price increase of that size by blaming OPEC; that won't wash.
- They took advantage of the stock price increase to raise the idea of building a new factory.
- Steel price increase
- Unilateral price increase of EMO-EKOM
- Another price increase was implemented in 1999.
- This option price will increase until […].
- The use of these clauses might increase price transparency.
- Increase in price of silicon from the PRC
- Revision of Railbarge contract (price increase and product re-engineering)
- The annual payments take the price increase into account only two years after the increase.
- The price increase of the dumped imports noticed during the IP merely reflected the increase of costs of raw materials.
- Furthermore, the increase of sales price did not increase at the same pace as the increase of costs for raw material.
- The necessary price increase was then determined on the basis of a comparison of the weighted average import price with the average non-injurious price.